Privacy Policy
369 Global records website use and traffic. Analysis of this information reveals which pages are most often visited and the domains from which people visit the site. Identifying these trends helps us provide more useful information to our online visitors. No personal information is collected during this process.
We assume neither responsibility nor control over the content, security, accessibility, or accuracy of sites to which we provide links. When leaving our site, please check the privacy policy and security certificates for the site you are visiting before sharing information.
Personal information submitted to the website voluntarily is kept strictly confidential. It will not be forwarded, traded, or sold to outside organizations. Users who subscribe to our electronic information distribution list may be removed at any time at their request. We reserve the right to contact subscribers to forward information, respond to questions, or provide notification of any changes to our subscription policy.
If you have further questions about our privacy policy, please contact us at
Last updated: April 1, 2022